Question # 305: I see the following Hadith is being circulated on Social Media: “Whomsoever recites ‘La ilaha illalahul malikul haqqul mubin’ one hundred times daily, this will be a means of safety from poverty for him, he will attract wealth through it, …” Is this authentic?

Bismi-llahi r-raḥmani r-raḥīm,

Assalamu ‘laikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

All praise and thanks are due to Allah (سبحانه و تعالى), and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger (صلى الله عليه و سلم).

Dear questioner,

First of all, we implore Allah (سبحانه و تعالى) to help us serve His cause and render our work for His sake.

Shorter Answer: This hadith [“Whoever recites a hundred times every day la ilaha illallah al-malik al-Haqq al-Mubeen…”] is reported by Al-Khateeb Al-Baghdadi in his book entitled “At-Tarikh”; however, Shaykh Al-Albani classified it as da’eef (weak) and other scholars like Hafidh al-Dhahabiy, ‘Allamah Sakhawi classified it as fabricated.  Therefore, it would not be appropriate to rely on this narration when establishing the virtue of this du’aa. However, those scholars, who believe it to be weak and not fabricated, permitted reciting this du’aa/dhikr as many times as one wishes without stipulating a number. This concession is based on the premise that the hadith is not concerned with matters of belief and rulings but qualifies for performing extra good deeds.

Long Answer: The hadith goes like this “Whoever recites a hundred times every day la ilaha illallah al-malik al-Haqq al-Mubeen, it will be a means of safety from poverty for him, he will attract wealth through it, it will be a solace from the desolation of the grave for him, and he will be knocking at the gate of Paradise.”

There are a few narrators who have reported this hadith through Imam Malik. However, Imam Daraqutni and Hafiz Ibn ‘Abdil Barr have stated that no reliable narrator has reported this Hadith from Imam Malik and the attribution to Imam Malik is not sound (la yasihhu ‘anhu). Imam Daraqutni further states that this hadith is not authentic (la yasihhu). (Refer: At Tamhid, vol 6 page 156, Al ‘Ilalul Mutanahiyah, vol 2 page 837, Al Ajwibatul Mardiyyah, vol 1 page 337, Lisanul Mizan, vol 6 page 347) (Answered by: Moulana Suhail Motala and Approved by: Moulana Muhammad Abasoomar) [Also, Shaykh Al-Albani classified it as da’eef (weak)]

According to, a web site belonging to the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs in the State of Qatar: “…despite the weakness of the hadith, it is permissible for a Muslim to recite this repeatedly as it is permissible to act according to a da’eef hadith in regard to Fadha’il Al-A’maal (righteous deeds) if it is included within a general principle of the Shari‘ah, and the one who recites it will be rewarded, if Allah wills… [furthermore, it explains that] weak ahadith are not to be taken as proof for either ‘Aqeedah (creed) issues or passing rulings that determine what is lawful and what is unlawful. However, some of the late scholars permitted practicing the teachings of weak ahadith in terms of performing extra acts of worship and doing good deeds. They did so under four conditions:

  • The hadith has to be in the context of doing extra good deeds.
  • The hadith must not be very weak.
  • It should be included within an observed principle of the Shari‘ah (Islamic law)
  • It is not to be taken as established; just to be followed out of religious caution.

Some scholars held the opinion that it is permissible to act according to weak hadith with certain conditions, not absolutely, and this is the preponderant opinion – Allah willing. A third group of scholars said that it is not permissible to act according to weak ahadith at all.”

Hence, a person may recite this du’aa/dhikr as many times as he wishes without stipulating a number as Hafiz Ibn ‘Abdil Barr, after clarifying that this hadith is da’eef, has stated this indeed is a good du’aa, the blessings of it is anticipated. (At Tamhid, vol 6 page 156)

[On the other hand,] this narration has been classified as a fabrication by Hafidh al-Dhahabiy, ‘Allamah Sakhawi [(Shafi’i Muslim hadith scholars)] and others. (Mizaanul I’tidaal vol 2 page 490; Lisaanul Mizaan vol 1 page 170, vol 4 page 37; al-Ajwibatul Mardiyyah vol 1 page 337-338). Therefore, it would not be appropriate to rely on this narration when establishing the virtue of this du’aa.  (Mufti Mohammed Haroon Abasoomer) Moreover, it is definitely impermissible to ascribe such fabrications to the Prophet, while being aware of the reality.

Allahu A’lam (Allah (سبحانه و تعالى) knows best) and all Perfections belong to Allah, and all mistakes belong to me alone. May Allah (سبحانه و تعالى) forgive me, Ameen.
